
We're All Socially Awakward

Most of us pick our noses, we don't like to admit it, but we do. And whether it be absent minded or intentional, we love doing it. Don't deny it, just embrace it.

But this brings me to my point, we all do things in privacy that aren't deemed socially acceptable, this includes the privacy of our minds. We're all a little fucked up and have some hidden ill intentions that we try to keep to ourselves. But, what if the world were to be completely honest? You know that one friend you have that you hate to bring around because of all the weird or embarrassing shit they say? What if we could all be as open about ourselves as they are? Would it make everyone socially awkward, or completely acceptable? Imagine a world without any egos, where there was no such things as social masks, where we are all free to express our truest self. I'm not talking about any new age hippie crap, I'm talking about a world of self-expressive freedom.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but it was just a thought. I mean, I feel like I'm able to be myself almost anywhere I go, even if others aren't. I'm comfortable in my own skin, but I still have an ego. My ego is something I'm not completely willing to give up either, and I think in this world, many of us can't. I'm attached to my social persona, and sometimes I still keep it on even when I'm not around a strange crowed. Does this mean I need to do more self discovery or soul searching? Or does it simply make me acceptable to other humans? It doesn't really matter, I suppose.

Anyway, I wish I had more to say. I'm happy. I broke my celibacy pledge the other night. I got to talk on the phone with the love of my life. I have a great group of friends. I start driving in a few days. I can't really complain, though I almost wish I did have something new to bitch about because I feel as though this blog entry here was a little sub-par, my apologies. I'll be sure to make the next one all about SEX.

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